Why was Mishti built?

Mishti Network was built to help fight some existential threats to crypto and therefore to global digital rights:

  • The sacrifice of decentralization for mainstream adoption

  • The sacrifice of privacy for

Currently, newcomers to crypto are predominantly logging on using centralized methods such as social accounts and passkeys. This means that the issuer of these social accounts and keys also inherits control of their crypto accounts. Instead of creating new rules for sovereignty, crypto has reinforced existing power structures that control who and how we can access technology. This is simply because decentralized methods such as seed phrases are simply too inconvenient for mainstream adoption.

Not only is identity becoming increasingly tied to web2 accounts but governments are rapidly searching for ways to ensure consumer protection and fight money laundering. The current tools for fighting crime are centralized.

Identities Into Keys

Many have tried to tackle these problems, but after ~10 years, the industry still hasn't solved them without making significant sacrifices. Mishti address this issue by linking identities to wallets with privacy using zero knowledge technology. ZK lets us accomplish this goal where no party except the wallet owner or a decentralized network can control the wallet or know who the owner is. Mishti is a core building block that empowers this basic requirement and allows the mainstream adoption of Web3 without making sacrifices to the core values that it was born from.

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